Okay, okay, I have been so behind this. I did make a video, two actually. One is already on Youtube, which I will post below. The other still needs to be loaded and contains examples of the different features but it's rather big and will take time to upload (I use my night time gigs and will take a few hours depending on my server).
I also have a post about the whole process but as video isn't my area of expertise I'm still doing some research to better help you and me.
In the meantime, here is the link to the Youtube video. It was taken at the Annual Airshow 2015 at Zwartkops SAAF Museum and contains some features like Picture Wizard's Retro, Classic and Landscape including Multi-Motion. The Multi-Motion is really something funny to look at and can make for some interesting videos. I show both fast and slow speeds in the second video (hopefully up soon).
The videos were shot with the Samsung NX300 and 18-55mm lens (I don't have a Samsung telephoto and want to have a wide angle option besides my telephoto on my Canon).
Enjoy and I'll get back to you soon!
Samsung NX300 with 18-55mm lens
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